Lisa Bruder Followup Interview | Retro Episode 5

Today’s discussion with Lisa is a follow up to having a binge watching session of the TV series DEVs. Our discussion involved:

* The TV Show itself
* Determinism vs Psychic Work
* Remote Viewing vs Astral Projection
* Dean Radin & the Random Number Generator project
* Harnessing Peak Emotional Experiences
* Story Loops
* Lisa developing a training program in Reality Hacking
* Non Dualism vs Ego Death
* Our Parallel Selves and fear of the unknown
* Hermetic Principles / The 12 Laws of the Universe
* Work on refining a Clearing Process
* Altered State Experiences
* The Template Glastonbury Experience
* TV show “The OA” / Combining different modalities to produce a better hack
* Use of Ritual
* Thought Forms / Egregores
* Listing TV Shows / Movies about Altered Reality